Monday 4 October 2010


1: Outline the Text and Topic to be investigated
celebrity obsession : i will be focusing on the following questions
why are people obsessed with celebrities?
Does the media create celebrity obsession?
Are celebrities famous for what they do or who they actually are?
how does audience obsession start?
how do celebrities keep up there status in order for them to have so much fans?
do they become famous instantly or does it take them years in order for them to be well known?

I will be looking at celebrities such as Trey songs, Beyonce, Miley Cyrus , Justin Bieber

2: Outline the proposed linked production piece

The proposed linked production piece could be either a fan web site linked onto face book or an article interviewing and focusing on a celebrities life and their achievements.

3: List at least 2 Media texts that you plan to investigate.
i plan to investigate the institutions behind these celebrities.
4: Why have you chosen these texts?

5: Apply MIGRAIN to the 2 texts.
I: mtv, celeb fan sites
G: music, film , singers and actors
A: all ages mainly teenagers males and females
I: fox warner bros, record companies
N: how are celebrities constructed and how are they concieved by the audience
6: What are the issues and debates surrounding these two texts?
some issuses and debates surrounding these two texts is does the audience make celebrites who they are? does the media make the celebrites who they are? wheres does obsession come from the way the media represents the audience or is it how the celebrites potray themselves.
7: State why you believe the 2 texts fit the 'contemporary media landscape'.

8: Discuss the reason this topic area resonates so deeply with you?
This topic resonates so deeply with me as i feel as i can relate to why people can be obsessed with celebrities and its a topic which is intresting and i enjoy investigating.