Tuesday 30 November 2010

youth culture DAY 5

Today i focused on how the youth is represented on the programme Worlds Strictest Parents - Jamaica. the programme is basically about two "unruly" teenagers who are sent to live abroad with a strict family for a week in an attempt to change their behavior.
several notes on how the teenagers are portrayed are written in my book.

brief summary : the teenagers in this programme are represented as selfish, rude and disrespectful at first before they leave the country. however as the week progresses the teens begin to realize how their behavior has effected their parents and how lucky they are to be privileged and have parents who love and care bout them.

Monday 29 November 2010

Broadcast youth culture DAY 4

Today i was searching for videos that focused on the youth culture.

knife crime in london

why the youth is important to the business world

Saturday 27 November 2010

youth culture : media influences on youths day 2

Print :

Representation of youth in the media :

Thursday 25 November 2010

Exam Case Study ;; DAY ONE 25.11.10

Idea ; Representation of youth culture in the media

i will be focusing on the youth in all different cultures around the world.

Platforms: Print and Broadcast

Text types:
Broadcast text - Adulthood , X Factor ,Kidulthood, 16 and pregnant , worlds strictest parents, the apprentice.
Print : heat, the sun , metro, the guardian, marie claire , sugar etc
i will be focusing on all text which involve youths and the representations of youth through these texts.

Wider Context :
  • is the youth portrayed in a negative or positive way ?
  • does the representation of youth differ in other cultures around the world ?
  • have the representations of these youth changed over the years?
  • are they influenced by what they see through the media ?
  • the impact the older generations and celebrities have on youths?
  • Are all youths stereotyped the same or does it depend on where they come from and what they
  • do and how they dress?

Time Frames: contemporary over the past 5 years

Theoretical findings: focusing on all theories
Marxism : david gauntlett , Richard Dyer - does the stereotypes of youth differ depending on social class.

Media Issues: British VS Other Cultures

Thursday 11 November 2010

William Merrin

Merrin believs " the media do not reflect and represent reality but instead produce it, employing this simulation to justify their own continuing existence" - suggesting that the media no longer reflects and represents us but now produces reality and controls us.Merrin offers an overview and evaluation of his key arguments and themes, focusing especially his work: his theory of symbolic exchange and critique of the semiotic and of simulation.



Dominic Strinati

"Postmodernism tries to come to terms with and understand a media-saturated society. The mass media, for example, were once thought of as holding up a mirror to, and thereby reflecting, a wider social reality. Now that reality is only definable in terms of surface reflection of the mirror" - Strinati suggest that society was once in control of representations but now the media represents society to us , they are so in control that they are dictating how society now works. It is now difficult to distinguish between reality and media, the mirror was once our reality but now the mirror makes our reality.

print :



John Berger

John Berger is an art critic, novelist, painter and author.Berger published an infuential book based on a BBC television series called "In Ways Of Seeing". Berger observes that men act as woman appear. Men look at women , whilst woman watch themselves being looked at.Berger argues that in european art from the Renaissance onwards woman were depicted as being aware of being seen by a 'male' spectator.



Tuesday 9 November 2010

Levi Strauss

Strauss was a french anthropologist and ethnologist , he has been named the "father of modern anthropology", he argued that the savage mind has the same structure as the civilised mind and that human characterisitics are the same everywhere. He specifically focused on the brasilian , north and south american tribes focusing on males. his observation were culminated in his book Tristes Tropiques his ideas reached a number of subjects such as sociology and philosophy.Structuralism has been defined as "the search for the underlying patterns of thought in all forms of human activity."



Jean Francois Lyotard

Lyotard is well known for his articulation of postmodernism amd the analysis of the impact of postmodernity on the human condition.He believes in grand narratives, large scale theories and philosophies of the world for instance history, religion , the knowability of everything by science. Lyotard argues that we are made to believe that narratives of this kind are acceptable to represent us all. we have become aware of diffrences, aspirations and beliefs and desries and for that reason postmodernity is charactisied by micronarratives.



print :

Jean Baudrillard

jean was a french sociologist, pholisopher and a cultural theorist.He beleives that everything is made up and nothing is original. its the signs that gives of meaning. For instance if some people was to see an actor on the road they will call them by there acting name rather than their real name and question them on the act they was given. even though we know there storyline is not true we carry on believing it is.

jean qouted " the secret o theory is that truth does not exist" suggesting that there is no longer and truth and it is difficult to tell wheather something is real or jus a matter of images.

emedia :



Laura Mulvey

Mulvey beleives that there is plenty of feminism in the media industry. she believes that the world is seen from a males gaze and that we have no control over the male dominance. woman dont really have a say and must accept masculine views.

Print : mulvey published a book visual pleasure and narrative cinema

e media :


David Gauntlett

Gauntlett argues through making thing online and offline, we make connections with others and increase or engagement with the world. he specialised in the study of contemporary media audiences, the everyday making and sharing of digital media - the role of such media in self identity and self expression.

Gauntlett quoted " identities are not given but are constructed and negotiated" - suggesting that we all dont have our own idenetities but our identites are constructed through representations.

Print : Media, Gender and Identity

E-media : theory page based on Gauntlett


Richard Dyer

"how we are seen determines how we are treated, how we treat others is based on how we see them. how we see them comes from representations" - (matter of images"

Dyer is suggesting that how we see people represented is how we treat them. for instance if we was to see homosexual being abused on tv we automatically beleive that is how they act. whatever we see in the media we believe it too be true and act towards it, thats how representations comes about. he also created the pop star theory he believes "A star is an image not a real person that is constructed (as any other aspect of fiction is) out of a range of materials (eg advertising, magazines etc as well as films"

Print : the matter of images
Emedia :

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Media Conference

Professor David Buckingham

why do people talk such rubbish about Media?

many people believe that media is a worthless qualification as it gives "false hopes to state pupils" - they say media is a dumb , soft subject for state schools. The majority of people believe media is not academic enough for students, people class media as a trivial, dumbing down , cope out subject. Many parents accuse state schools of dumbing down english as well as media by showing simpsons in class in stead of shakespeare. David stated that simpsons uses a good use of narrative, irony and paraodies which students can relate to their studies.
The independent newspaper quoted " tories to tackle media studies menace" - media studies should get lower points and students are misled and deceived to getting jobs in the future.
Matthew Arold; 19th century teacher cultural critic. He published a book called cultural anarchy in 1869.
Julian Mcdougall
julian spoke briefly about online media. he stated that everybody has opinions this comes from the TON BENNS theory , people with power are accountable for us there able to get our views and opinons across.
he gave us tips such as
Read all diffrent ideas to do with your case study
apply the reading to the examples
weigh up the debate
develop infrome academice view
he also gave us a variety of books to read such as
sonia livingstone - children use of internet
annette hill - reality
henry jenkins books
graeme turner - orinary people in the media
david buckingham- video cultures
Teachers wont know everything
collaborate- share ideas,research, working progress
diversify- come out of the bx
NO right answers
Take risks
make connections
get active- beyong the basics
build your writing skills
really look at real examples - make it relevant
keep evidence of all your research
research every angle
conventions, audience and institutions
plan for al eventualites - what could possiblt go wrong?
record all your planning - visuals
show the process of your journey
a blog allows you to link to examples, ideas and inspirations
storyboards , animatic
keep ideas simple
have a workable concept with realistic plans
try the "25 word pitch"
all stages from peers and teachers
keep records of the feedback
people, place, props, costumes
get it done early rehearse and prepare